YI won’t connect to google home

I have the exact same problem. Tried everything and it still wont show the list of my cameras.

Same here. It’s seems linking available only within US.

Hello @Aleksandrs @Jkk93 Have you tried the steps listed in this forum thread? There are detailed troubleshooting solutions listed. Here they are just in case:

1.Remove the cameras from the Google Hub App.
2.Power cycle the cameras. (Unplug and re-plug them for 5 to 10 seconds)
3.Proceed with the setting up

Then follow these steps.
Step 1: Create a YI user account and set up a camera

1.If you haven’t already, please download YI Home app or Kami Home app from the App Store or Play Store and create an account

2.Follow the instruction to set up camera(s)

Step 2: Connect YI Home devices to Google Assistant

1.Download and open the Google Home app

2.Tap the + symbol at the top left.
3.Click “Set up device”.
4.In the Set Up page, select “Works with Google” at the bottom.

5.Under “Add devices”, search “Yi Home Camera (if using a YI camera) or Kami Home Camera (if using a Kami camera)”.

6.In the next step, select the region of the YI Home or Kami Home account. Enter your YI Home or Kami Home account email and password. Click “Login” to authorize Google to access your devices.

7.Once linked, select cameras from the list and add to a room.

Step 3: If you are streaming to a Nest Hub, make sure the device is set up. If you are streaming your camera to a tv with a Chromecast and Google speaker, make sure the device is set up.

Step 4: Control the YI Home or Kami Home cameras with Google Nest Hub or Chromecast with Google Nest speaker.

1.To show the camera, you can say “Okay Google",

  • “Stream [camera name]” (Nest Hub)
  • “Stream [camera name] on [Chromecast device name]” (Chromecast w/ Google speaker)

2.To stop viewing the camera, you can say “Okay Google, stop” or “Okay Google stop [TV/Chromecast device name]”

Note: Cross compatibility is supported with the use of either the YI Home or Kami Home app.

Everything was fine until couple of weeks ago yi cameras stopped synchronize with google home. Google assistant telling that something were wrong while syncing yi home. I thought reconnection of yi service will help but when I try to login to service within google home app yi service notice about connection error if I chose any other country except USA. But if I leave USA as my yi country linking continues and google home app redirect me to my devices where no any yi cameras as well as no yi service on the list of connected services. I can’t reconnect my cameras because I have lot of them in different cities. The problem is with yi service within google home obviously.

Hi @Aleksandrs thanks for your patience. A couple of questions…

How far away is your camera from your router?

Are you using 2.4 or 5ghz?

Any other changes you can think of in that happen in the weeks that led to the change?
Thanks for your patience.

I have no issues with cameras. They perfectly broadcasting via yi app. Problem is to link yi account with google home

Here are some trouble shooting steps to try. We are looking into this further now. But please try these steps:

Step 1: Create a YI user account and set up a camera

  1. If you haven’t already, please download YI Home app or Kami Home app from the App Store or Play Store and create an account
  2. Follow the instruction to set up camera(s)

    Step 2: Connect YI Home devices to Google Assistant
  3. Download and open the Google Home app
  4. Tap the + symbol at the top left.
  5. Click “Set up device”.
  6. In the Set-Up page, select “Works with Google” at the bottom.
  7. Under “Add devices”, search “Yi Home Camera (if using a YI camera) or Kami Home Camera (if using a Kami camera)”.
  8. In the next step, select the region of the YI Home or Kami Home account. Enter your YI Home or Kami Home account email and password. Click “Login” to authorize Google to access your devices.
  9. Once linked, select cameras from the list and add them to a room.

    Step 3: If you are streaming to a Nest Hub, make sure the device is set up. If you are streaming your camera to a tv with a Chromecast and Google speaker, make sure the device is set up.

    Step 4: Control the YI Home or Kami Home cameras with Google Nest Hub or Chromecast with Google Nest speaker.
  10. To show the camera, you can say “Okay Google",
  • “Stream [camera name]” (Nest Hub)
  • “Stream [camera name] on [Chromecast device name]” (Chromecast w/ Google speaker)
  1. To stop viewing the camera, you can say “Okay Google, stop” or "Okay Google stop [TV/Chromecast device name]"Note: Cross compatibility is supported with the use of either the YI Home or Kami Home app.

I have 2 different sets of 1080p cameras bought at different times. It appears one set does not connect to Google home. Every works fine in the app.

The only noticable difference is the firmware. Both are up to date but have very different version numbers.

These are the older version, they do work with GH.

These are the newer ones, they don’t work with GH.

Hmmm that sounds really frustrating @Bks01 I am sorry to hear you’ve run into this issue.

Can you send me the email address on file for your account with us? I can pull up more info about the camera in our backend based on your account email.

Once I have your email, I will delete the comment so its not just out on the forum.

Enter your YI Home or Kami Home account email and password. Click “Login” to authorize Google to access your devices.

YI won’t connect to google home

  1. Remove the cameras from the Google Hub App.
  2. Power cycle the cameras. ( Unplug and re-plug them for 5 to 10 seconds)
  3. Proceed with the setting up.

I have the exact same issue, with exactly the same camera firmware. How did you solve this?

I have the same issue with the firmware stated above. Is there a solution? I have 5 cameras and 3 of them only work in the YI app, not in google home. They won’t show up in the list at all.

Hi! Every time I try to link a new device in Google Home using “Yi Home Camera” service, after logging in i get the error “Could not reach Yi Home Camera. Please try again”.

From google support, they suggest to uninstall the Google Play services updates, but it not works.

European or US account: same problem.
Wifi or LTE: same problem.
Different phones: same problem (Pixel and Samsung).

Anyone have the same problem?

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Same issue here. Had my Yi account linked to the Google Home app and was able to see any camera I wanted by saying “Hey Google, show me X camera”.

When I added a 7th camera to my Yi account, it would not show up on Google Home, so I unlinked YI from GH thinking I could link it again and be able to see all 7 cameras, but now I can’t sync the YI account at all. Instead I get the “Could not reach Yi Home Camera. Please try again” error.

Really frustrating.

How do you uninstall the Google Play services update?

But I guess it doesn’t matter since it didn’t work anyway…

I’m having the same problem with my google home with the same “Could not connect” when I link my account. Interested if anyone finds a solution.

I’m having exactly the same problem. Has anyone already found a solution? Can the support team do anything else than suggesting to reset everything?

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I’m having the same problem.

@Steven_Kami This seems to be a widespread issue … people with Yi and Kami cams can no longer link to Google Home, and it seems to be an issue with the Yi to Google integration, not peoples firmware, passwords, turning the cam on and off again. Any idea if Yi / Kami is going to fix this, or do Yi / Kami cams just no longer link to Google?

