YI won’t connect to google home

I’m having exactly the same problem. Has anyone already found a solution? Can the support team do anything else than suggesting to reset everything?

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I’m having the same problem.

@Steven_Kami This seems to be a widespread issue … people with Yi and Kami cams can no longer link to Google Home, and it seems to be an issue with the Yi to Google integration, not peoples firmware, passwords, turning the cam on and off again. Any idea if Yi / Kami is going to fix this, or do Yi / Kami cams just no longer link to Google?


I have the same issue, can’t connect to Google

@Steven_Kami Please give us a solution. After weeks of useless emails with support, I still can’t use my Yi Cameras with Google Home.


I get this far in the instructions. Then the camera says it connected to the network and the light turns from yellow to blue, but the phone hangs and does’t complete. After the phone doesn’t complete, it tells me to reset the camera. If I just leave the camera, eventually it will say it timed out.

I have YI 1080P indoor cameras and they all stopped working. I have google mesh network; I’m not sure if they stopped working when I got the google mesh because they cameras weren’t on at that time. They were however previously connected to the network.

Am I supposed to be connecting to the google mesh network (my local network) or am I supposed to be creating a hotspot with my phone and connecting with that instead?
My local network shows up as an option 2.4 Ghz, but the hotspot does not.

Thanks for any help.
