Problem with 4 yi home camera 1080p A+

Hello, with the latest Firmware update, 4 of my 5 cameras have completely stopped working. From what I read in other posts is a problem that has happened to many. I tried to reset but they no longer give any type of acoustic warning to proceed with paring.

On one of the non-functioning cameras I tried to install, as instructed, one of the available firmwares, more precisely the home_yi21gam being my IFUSY44 cameras, but it started speaking Chinese and still won’t let me paring.

The cameras are installed in Italy and I am registered on the Kami Cloud plan which among other things includes, from your welcome message, access to “Priority Customer Service Access to VIP Customer Service”.

Now, my support ticket is number: [#774235] can you please fix my problem?

Apologies for any difficulties you experienced. We’d be happy to take a look into this for you, please contact Attn - Samuel
Thank you.


I have the same issue, have you find a solution ?

I tray the next steps ant not work:

  1. Try to use a different and known working micro USB cable.
  2. If available, also try to use another good and working power adapter that has the same capacity.
  3. Plug the camera into a working power outlet.
  4. If the camera did not turn back on, push the reset button of the camera and repeat this method at least 5 times.

Добрый день, удалось ли вам решить проблему?
Имею такую же проблему но поддержка kami присылает мне
Только инструкции восстановления заводских настроек камеры и настройки приложения ,не смотря на то что проблемы начались сразу после обновления программного обеспечения камеры
