No alerts on the app or my phone

I can not receive any alerts on my phone or the app. When I click the alert tab there is nothing there. I have also purchased the $149 subscription and still no luck. Please help me out.

Are you using iPhone and on iOS 14? If so are you getting alerts from other apps?

There are accepted issues with iOS 14 and notifications / alerts. These seem to impacting random iOS users and random apps.

Some have said updating to iOS 14.2 solves ‘some’ issues.

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I have a Samsung galaxy s9.

Thanks for sharing @YorkshireUser. We are already aware of this issue and we’re working on a fix for the glitch. @Lesliehope11, You can download the KAMI Home app as it has the previous app user interface and is working fine. Don’t worry because it has the same app interface, it is just the name that differs.

Thank you. I will try it. Hopefully my cloud will be unlocked as well.

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Alright! Regarding the Cloud subscription @Lesliehope11, you will need to add your camera to the Cloud plan after you subscribe. You can use the steps below in adding the camera to your Cloud subscription.

Step 1 - In the YI Home or Kami Home app, click on Discover in the bottom right corner.

Step 2 - Next, click on Cloud Settings. Select Service. Click on Camera in use. Under Manage, select the device from the list. Click Save. Click confirm to save the change. The device is now added to the Cloud service.

Step 3 - In order to remove the camera, under Manage, uncheck the camera and select Save. Now the camera has been removed from the cloud service.

Step 4 - If you are removing a camera and moving to a different subscription go to the Cloud Settings screen. From the Home screen, click on Discover in the bottom right corner. Then click on Cloud Settings. Click on Camera in use on the cloud subscription you are removing the camera from. Uncheck the camera and select Save. Click confirm to save the change. Click the left arrow to go back to the cloud settings screen. Click on Camera in use on the cloud subscription you are adding the camera to. Select the device from the list. Click Save. Click confirm to save the change.
