Night Vision 'Always on' option missing.

Thanks, I appreciate the update, and look forward to more info as available.

I will test anything which could be a good solution for this application. The laser emits at 450nm, and it looks like the IR noise generated when cutting most materials with the 5W laser is low, and is handled well by the cameras.

The laser vendor, Longer3D, is one of the largest 3D printer manufacturers in China, and has just launched their desktop laser product. Their engineering and marketing teams are doing a good job of monitoring the facebook group into which I’m posting test results.

Hi @Steven_Kami
Sorry for duplication
As I see there is no option in YI Home app to force turn on night vision mode (like it is in MI Home app)
Is there a plan to add that option on the app?
I use YI 1080p Home Camera AI+

Hey @mush @fredric100 After some thorough research, we do not have a way to force IR in the app OR a manual way to force IR on the camera itself. I am going to check with our firmware and app teams to see if its possible for a specific build to address this. I will be in touch. If there are any other requirements let me know and I can give the best info to our team on the use case and what we are solving. Many thanks for your patience. Apologies that I don’t have a better answer at this time.

Thanks for the update, please keep me posted. I might experiment with placing a filter over the camera lens which filters out visible light, if I can find an inexpensive one. Perhaps even a polarizing filter would kick the camera into IR mode. I guess I’d appreciate knowing, specifically, what conditions trigger IR mode for the current firmware, which might help steer me towards the right filter.

Could you please ask the engineers:

  1. Will this IR Pass filter kick the camera into IR mode (Camera 3, Dome U Camera Pro)?
  2. Do the cameras monitor within the IR spectrum passed by this filter (808-1064 nm)?
  3. If not, can they suggest another inexpensive filter?

IR Pass Filter

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I will be sure to ask the engineers and have an answer for you at the beginning of next week.

Also, i have been messing with our Kami Babies and there might be a way to force IR so if I can figure it on 1 maybe we can find steps for other models.

either way, i’ll get you a response on your inquiry early next week on filters

Thanks, I look forward to the data from the engineers. I ordered that laser IR pass filter, it will arrive Jan 12 and I’ll gladly share results.

I bet the filter approach will work. There are also lots of inexpensive IR pass filters available for photography (example attached). It would save me experimenting time if engineers could point me to specific filter I could purchase somewhere.

LEE Filters 3x3" Infra Red #87 Infrared Polyester Filter

Very interesting. Keep us posted on how it goes :slight_smile:

Any update on the always on feature for the IR light?

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Can we please have an update on this?

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Two years later, is there any fix for this? Has anyone on the engineering team or coding team spoken with the team from the original Yi cameras to find out how they managed to implement this option? It was the same tech. The originals clicked just like these, but with the option in the screen shot I included in the OP, you could disable it.

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