Constant 3003, 3006 or 3012 errors

Hi. I’m not 100% sure of the ports for the Yi devices and would not like to give incorrect information based on what I’ve done for other manufacturer devices in the past.

I know it’s an hassle and I appreciate why would be involved but a reset of the cameras may be the best way around this. However, that may still not resolve the issue so I appreciate why you are resistant to do this.

Could you try giving your router a power recycle see if that could help? Again I know it’s like the 90s support help of “reboot and callback” but sometimes it still works.

If not it may need to be escalated to the Yi technical support

If you decide to contact them go ahead and email and include a link to this thread for their reference.

Once you have a ticket number update this thread with the reference and I am sure @Steven_Kami will follow up with the technical support colleagues.

Let em stress I can understand how frustrating this must be for you and the thought of ascending that ladder.

Re the security of the camera set up and requiring the scanning of the digital code I guess that is just how YI decided to do it.

I know other companies do it slightly differently (but you could argue they charge a great deal more for their products). I know another one that does it similar to YI but each camera as a unique identification number which you can use instead of scanning a similar style QR code. I use both of the types of products i mention here.

@scottjosephsmith can you send me the ticket number you were given when you contacting our technical support team?

Hi @Steven_Kami

I havent raised a ticket as yet due to being busy with work throughout Covid19.

I have thought, taken screengrabs of the connectivity and network screens within the app. Both are excellent and 100% so there doesn’t seem to be any issues with my camera or WiFi connecting to the camera itself?

@scottjosephsmith The screenshots are super helpful! Thanks for sharing.

What is your ticket number? I will point our support team to these for reference.

Thanks @Steven_Kami - The ticket number raised today is 506254

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I’ve had the default reponse from support with my ticket @Steven_Kami

  • move camera closer to router
  • cycle power
  • reset router

As you can see there are no issues with the WiFi signal strength and I have a zero packet loss.

Can you point me in the direction of something like ‘uptimerobot’ which is directly linked to the Kami or Yi servers, as I think this is server, not client side.


Can you give me an update here.

I’m looking to identify the uptime of your servers in which the camera connects to, as I feel this could be the root cause.

Can you list the ip addresses for me to check/run tests and provide any port numbers.

Can you provide any information, similar to ‘uptimerobot’ which points to your servers?

Again my network is sitting with zero packet loss and 100% WiFi strength.


Hey @scottjosephsmith I see your response to our customer support team. Thanks for responding yesterday. I will ping them and let them know you’ve responded and to follow-up. We will get this resolved.

I am facing similar problem. If I continue the APP in live camera viewing condition then there is no error and it continues for hours.

However, if I do some other task in Mobile and then again open the app, it says camera is offline.

Then I reset the camera and few minutes after every successful pairing, the YI Life app indicates Camera is offline.

I don’t want to continuously view the live camera in mobile APP. Kindly inform for any resolution.

What is the make and model of your camera? How long have you owned the camera? Have you ever had it working correctly?

Have you attempted any troubleshooting? I have posted some things needed in this thread.

Take a look here

I have also deleted the other post you made for the very same thing. Please try not to make multiple posts about the same matter as it floods the forum

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Thank you :slight_smile: Hope you’re doing well!

@YorkshireUser - Thanks for your response and links to helpful topics.

I have YI 87001 Home Camera. This was previously working fine for last one and half year with the same wi-fi network. Sometime last month it indicated that camera is offline. Then I did reset and re-synch process. Every time the camera remains online until I continue the APP in live camera viewing condition. The moment I do other task in mobile and come back to YI app, it says camera is offline. The issue is recurring even today. Still not able to find out exact cause and any resolution.

When the error is back on screen could you screen grab it and post it to the thread please ?

I am attaching screen shots from today. Camera blue light is constant without flicker.

Thanks for the screen grabs. The steady blue light suggests the camera is operating fine.

The errors means that it can not communicate with the backhaul infrastructure of Yi.

Could you try this for me. Move the camera closer to your internet router and remove the camera from your app before using the reset button. Once reset attempt to set it up again whilst close to your router. If it does. Leave it there before moving back to the desired location.

If it doesn’t work. When did you buy the camera and from where. It may need replacing.

Customer services may be able to help in that circumstance.

Hey @CHINMAYROUT Please contact our customer support at

May I ask what region are you located?

@Steven_Kami and @YorkshireUser
Thanks for your help. The problem of camera offline is still not rectified even after all these steps as advised. I am separately taking up this issue with customer service e-mail. Will inform if it gets resolved. I am located at New Delhi (India).

hmmm that’s frustrating. I am sorry to hear we couldn’t get this resolved. Thank you for your incredible patience. Keep us posted.

@Steven_Kami and @YorkshireUser
Please note that my issue got resolved yesterday. I removed the SD card from camera slot and then followed steps to reset and reconnect to wi-fi and surprisingly it worked. There are no error codes on my mobile app anymore. Live streaming works perfectly.

Checked the SD card separately and found that to be OK as well.

Now I am using the camera without SD card. This works fine for me.
Thanks for your continued support.

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