1080p home not loading on a eero mesh network

I just upgraded my wireless network to an eero mesh network…

the cams did not load were offline … so i’ve done the following.

  1. uninstalled/reinstalled the app … same results

  2. deleted all 4 cams and reset them… now when trying to pair by reading the ocr code on back of the cam nothing happens, i’ve let it try for up to 5 mins.

thank you for your help with this.

Sorry to hear of the issues you are experiencing.

Can you go through the steps contained within the following link and see how it goes.

Also it may be worth just turning off your mesh devices and trying set up again to see if there is some configuration issues between that and the Yi devices.

For all four cameras to go offline at the same time must mean it is something that applies to your entire network and therefore finding and correcting that should see your cameras work again.

You may need to access Eero and turn off the 5ghz network. Have you taken a look at their support resources for guidance? https://support.eero.com/hc/en-us/categories/201150616-Troubleshooting

Let us know how you get on

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Turn off the 5ghz. If you are also now using a VPN, turn this off as well.

Follow the troubleshooting steps suggested by Yorkshire and the article above

Let us know how it goes

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I am dumb… I was scanning the qr code on the back of the yi cam with the phone cam; yes really.
I just realized that as I was documenting my steps to reply here. Got to the step to have camera scan qr code, pointed my phone cam at it and the lighbulb went off: wrong way. Once I pointed the YI cam at the QR code it worked fine.
I do apologize and thank you for your time.


At least you are working fine. That is why working through an issue with co-ordinated steps helps to identify where the issue is rather than trying to eat it all or getting emotional.

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No worries at all! These things happen sometimes. And, we are happy to help in anyway we can. (Don’t worry you are not the first person to do this either :wink: )

Please come to the forum in the future for any questions are to share you experiences. Thanks for stopping by!
