Zoom meeting with YI Cloud camera

Hi everyone I just got a new YI 1080p Cloud camera and have been having a bad time trying to set it up with zoom meeting software. Can some one please help. I’m trying to use this so that I can teach our middle school kids on line while we are having this virus problem.

Thank you

Jose A. Knight

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@joseknight I did not know you could do that. Very interesting. Following this one.

I have been trying for 2 days now. I’m able to ping the ip address but it will not connect unless I use the yi home app. I have been trying to get the web address to the yi home app to see if I can connect with the website ip address. But I have not been able to get it. Very frustrating.

The funny thing is that I got an email from the company on how to zoom in and out with the app, but that was not what I was asking about.

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Lol sorry to laugh but yeah maybe a language barrier. I just hate it when that happens. I just had the same experience but with a printing machine company. So frustrating. Wish I could help you but I don’t know anything about what you are trying to do. I’m following with interest as it sounds very useful. I use zoom for business meetings sometimes but never thought about using my Yi cameras!!!

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Hi @joseknight and welcome to our community! Unfortunately, none of our cameras were made to function as webcams, so you will not be able to use it for this. I’m sorry about that, I hope you are doing well and staying safe. Thank you for what you do!

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@joseknight If you download the YI pc app and download and install OBS studio you can set OBS to capture the YI camera app feed, then in obs set its output to webcam. In zoom choose the OBS camera and it will show your YI camera feed. It is possible, I have used this for Zoom, Skype and Teams meetings.

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