Yi outdoor camera 1080 video interference

Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on with this camera?

The video quality is awful, there’s nothing over the lense (I just fit the camera) and it’s not raining.

If I turn the IR lights off temporarily and switch them back on the video goes clear but it gradually gets worse and it’s end looking like there’s something in front of the camera.

Firmware is up to date.



Hello @danielz000 that is def strange! Thanks for sharing the video. It doesn’t appear to be grainy. This may be a silly question but have you switched from SD to HD?

Has this issue continued on the camera? Could it be situational? The wind blew something by? How long have you owned the camera and did this start out of the blue?<br?
Lots of questions, I know! Thanks for your patience and assistance

Hi Steven,

I fit 2 cameras yesterday and the issue occurred within a few minutes.

Both cameras have the same issue. The video above wasn’t actually too bad. The stream got a lot more interference on it at other times.

Both cameras went crystal clearly after switching the night mode off and back on but it appears that 15 seconds after switching night mode back on both cameras appear to start getting interference again.

This evening, camera one appears to be fine ok but I can’t connect to camera 2 as it keeps getting stuck on 5%, despite both cameras being the same distance from the WiFi… This issue also occurs occasionally on the indoor cameras I have so if you can offer any advice on that issue too that would be great.



Edit: Changing from HD to SD made no difference

I see this more in the Summer… I went outside to try and see what it was and was like you, confounded. I got out my leaf blower and blew around the camera… and surprise! I was able to blow “stuff” around! Dust, air pollution, “:no-see-ums” and a very thin spider web… As my wife said as she watched the monitor, “It’s amazing what’s in our air.”

It was a windy day but there was nothing visible in the air and the interference looked more like splatter than specks.

I’ll keep my eyes peeled and see how it performs the next time it’s windy but it’s pretty poor if wind affects an outdoor camera…

@jftaylorjr13 Thats wild! There really is stuff just out there. I agree with your wife!

@danielz000 Wind shouldn’t affect the camera quality. I would keep your eyes peeled and if this continues, let us know.

Also Auto Focus doesn’t super well when the camera is in infrared mode…

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Dan, maybe somebody already asked this questions, but does this happen during the day as well?


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I had an issue with an external camera video when my phone had connected to the 5ghz band and the cameras are on the 2.4 ghz band. Switched to 2.4 ghz and everything was ok.

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It kind of looks like there’s hundreds of midges flying in front of the camera rather than an interference issue. can you look at the camera and see anything flying around it?

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So to answer some questions…

There’s definitely no flying insects there and nothing visible on the lens…

The camera WAS fine during the day.

The strange interference I was getting on the camera slowly cleared up but ended up becoming this problem instead:

The blur in the middle of the image was only occurring at night and again, switching the night mode off and on temporarily resolved the issue

That was, until today… Now I’ve got this:

Is any of this normal for this cameras? I’m really quite annoyed I drilled through my walls and spent time fixing such poor quality products to the will…

Will Yi replace or refund them? Is there any solution to this?

Hey @danielz000 Thanks for sharing. I am going to direct message so we can get this taken care of.

Hi all,

My second camera now seems to have developed a fault, I’ve looked at the recordings and for the last 3 days these white circles have been visible on the screen…

Can anyone advise what this might be? Should I try and clean the lense some how?

What’s the weather been like? That could be rain or maybe some frost condensation.

I use only indoor Yi cameras, but one of my Ring cameras after heavy rain or cold weather needs to be brought inside to ‘dry out’.

Is your camera exposed to the elements? If so could you move where it is or if you are handy at diy could you make a cover for the end of it to help protect it more?

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