Hello Sir, how are you?
I have an issue with the Yi Nightscape. I’m recording driving videos at Night, and picked the Nightscape because it advertised to have the best chips etc.
I know the camera is very capable, but I actually see much less on camera then with the cheap Apeman.
I use a couple of bright off-road lights, and the real vision is like daylight, yet on camera there isn’t a lot of difference to standard headlights even tho mine are way brighter.
It toggles down sensitiv wayy to much.
I think the software sees an unusual bright spot in front of the car, and then turns down the sensitivity, blacking out many areas around it that have plenty of light, just less then the bright spot in the middle.
When i turn the headlights on, for one second it looks like daylight on camera, but then the sensitivity turns down and it gets pretty dark.
I wish I could adjust the sensitivity in some way to make the picture brighter, the software really doesn’t like off-road lights.
But I really like the camera and the capabilities, if I could just make use of it.
Is there any way to adjust the sensitivity, or a way to trick the camera? The software is 1.01.01-us I think if that helps.
Thank you very much!
Hi @Maxmueller92, I believe your suspicions are correct. It sounds like the camera if having a hard time dealing with the large difference in light levels. I suspect because it was optimized for standard car headlights. Just curios, how many lumens does your off road light put out?
I’ll check with our product tester and see if there’s a way to adjust the light sensitivity, as I have not personally used that camera.
Thank you very much, please let me know!
I don’t know Lumen or Watts, literally everybody that sells off-road lights lies about brightness, and I haven’t tested mine.
I estimate that the four I have are putting out 200-300W togheter. The lights are setup in a way that they cover 180° around the car and distribute the light evenly in all directions, with two spotlights for very long range.
The problem is that the lights cross in front of the car and all overlap in the first 10 Meter in front of the car.
I guess it is this overlap zone that causes the problems, anywhere there will only be 1 or 2 lights aimed at at the same time for even distribution, but all of them cross each other in the overlap zone.
I don’t know how hard it would be to adjust the software to deal with those overlaps, but I wish there was a „pro mode“ or something where you could adjust the light sensitivity, shutter speed and framerate (25 fps).
Thank you very much