Yi Home app turns off

Hi. I have a dome 1080 camera. I’ve only had it a few days now but using it to watch my disabled son at night it turns itself off. Not the camera but the app. Once or twice a night. Tried on ipad and android. Reinstalled the app and cleared cache but same thing. Any ideas/solutions?

I think the app goes sleep mode at some point, I think it is the cool period, when the app goes inactive for some point if left just active on the screen.

Does the recording get affected as well? Just to be sure, are you trying to record 24/7? or just monitoring live feed uninterrupted? I’d be glad to find answers and help for you. Cheers!

Hello - I would like to continually record everything not just movement 24/7 and store it on the cloud for 30 days. Is there an offering for this?


Hey, Aaron. I think I know what you are looking for is the YI Cloud CVR 24/7 plan. This means your device will record non-stop. Click this link to know more about it.
Link: https://www.yitechnology.com/yi-cloud/

Once you are there, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Want 24/7 Continuous Video Recording?”


Then this takes you to the plan which I think suits your requirement.

I hope this helps. Cheers!
