Yi Home App for Windows

I’ve been trying to install/download the PC home app from their download site but the file seems broken.

Mac link is working.

Can someone share a link for their PC home app installer? Thanks!

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Please try to uninstall the PC App and delete the installer file.
You can download a new PC App installer file to this link: https://kamihome.com/firmware/

If you still experience the issue, please reach out to us on the email listed below so our customer support can help you out:


I have the same problem with the installer. I upgraded my PC from Windows 10 to Windows 11 and I can no longer have a working PC app I downloaded from here:


I have followed the firmware link you provided but there is no download for PC Windows desktop. Is there a working app I can download?

Perhaps it’s time for Yii to create a new more usable app if the current windows app is broken?

I am getting the same error. I am on Windows 11 and cannot install the software.
https://kamihome.com/firmware/ doesn’t even exist, it gives error on website:

404 Not Found


news? I’ve the same problem

This as*les have not been fixing that for years. Total Scam. Srew yourself!!!


Same problem with new PC. Obviously YIHomePCClientIntl_download_1.0.0.2.exe with only 193 KB does’nt install and Kami Home for Windows does’nt exist.

The only way, in my case, was copy entire C:\Program Files (x86)\YIHomePCClientIntl folder from old PC as “portable version”. And works fine!

I upload this folder compressed in .zip file to mega. Good luck!

YIHomePCClientIntl.zip (58.6 MB)

Installer of 192 KB doesn’t work. Is not complete.
