Video preview does't start

Hi everyone,
I own 2 Yi outdoor cameras since 1 year now,
When i clicked the notification of motion in my old phone it automatically opened the app and start the video preview.
With this new phone it only open the app, but the preview doesn’t start automatically.
I have to go in “cloud” and watch the preview (or the full footage) manually.

Someone has advices?

Hi there @ort3ga69 thank you for joining the forum. Are you using the latest version of the YI Home app? We just release version 4.4.0. You can check that by going into the Discover tab and clicking on about.

I just did a quick test, and clicked on an alert notification and my app opened up and played the 6 second alert clip.

If that isn’t working for you can you please let me know the make and model of your phone, and the operating system that it is running?

