Playback Pause Functionality?

Hello - using an SD card with free cloud alert. Within the playback option when in the applicable camera although the footage plays back without issue I cannot seem to be able to freeze or pause the current frame. Fir example to easily see a car registration plate. Is this functionality missing via the iOS app or am I missing something?

It would be useful to have this functionality rather than having to remove the SD card to read it inna computer.

Thanks for the help.

Hello @YorkshireUser! Thanks for joining the forum. There’s no need to remove the SD card. Instead of pausing the clip, what you can do is take a screenshot or record and download the entire clip.

I’m guessing that you already know how to playback SD card clips, but I’ll walk through that anyway in case any other readers aren’t familiar with the process.

Step 1.

Click on the cameras live view to bring up the SD card playback timeline. You can use the time shown in the 6 second alert clip that was also created as a reference to help you find the location of the clip in the SD card playback timeline.

Step 2.

Scroll backward using the SD card playback timeline to find the orange box that represents the clip that your are looking for. If you scroll to a location just before the box it will automatically jump to the start of the clip.

Step 3.

When the clip is playing, tap the screen to bring up the additional controls. The SD card playback timeline will be replaced by a bunch of icons.

Step 4.

While the clip is playing you can press the camera icon to take a still screenshot, or press the video camera icon to record the clip to your phone. These still images and/or videos will be saved in the photos section of your phone where you can view and share them.

Thanks Mark. Interesting approach. It would be great to have ‘video recorder’ style controls with a play, pause, fast forward, rewind etc. But perhaps that would make it overly complicated for the application

Either way appreciate the response. Thank you

I have a cloud storage sub, but I also use a SD card.
Cloud is great to use and are general activity but i find if I want to catch a number plate or fine detail the resolution is better on the SD card video.

For pause play style feature in record the clip I want to examine using the record feature and then play and pause that clip on the PC or phone

You’re very welcome!

Interesting! I have not tested this so good to know. Thanks Brian.
