New Iphone purchased. How do I see my cams?

Hi, I just bought a new iPhone and logged into the app. I cannot see my cameras on the new phone. I tried a forum search and Google search but can only find how to pair new cams. Please tell me I have missed an easy solution and don’t have to climb ladders to rescan them into the app again.
Used same login information the only thing missing is the cameras.

Hey @Minadin Welcome to the community! I am sorry to hear about the problem you’ve had after getting a new phone.

Have you tried reseting the cameras themselves? Which model do you have?

I just got a new iPhone as well. You have to delete the app from your new phone and reinstall and login via your YI account on the new phone. The migration process from the old phone to the new breaks the trust chain. Simple delete, reinstall and login did the trick for me.

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Awesome! Thanks for the feedback @jpaul311
