@DavidDalrymple resolved to Yi’s satisfaction but not to mine.
Instead of processing an RMA, I accepted their offer for a new/replacement camera.
While waiting for the new camera, I placed the original camera (dis-assembled, batteries removed), in my “server closet”; 82degreesF, 40% humidity for two full days. Lens and PIR sensor cleared any visible moisture. I placed the camera back in service on August 10th, before doing so, I taped the seam where the cover screws on:

…but I did not cover the speaker or microphone openings.
Unfortunately, with more rain on September 3rd, 2020, the camera fogged over again. I repeated the “drying” process and this time I taped over all of the openings. On September 12, 2020, more rain, more water infiltration:

The replacement camera finally arrived September 8, 2020. I had planed to deploy it over the weekend of September 12, but with the third leak shown above, I requested a true RMA instead. I was informed that returns are only allowed within the first 30 days of purchase.
My camera clearly leaks through the face (not the seam). I have no reason to believe that the replacement camera will fare any better. I have no plan to deploy the replacement as I have already wasted too much time with the original. These cameras may be suitable for operation in a covered outdoor environment (e.g. under the eaves of a roof)
I would not use a Kami Wireless Outdoor in an exposed area (e.g. fence post).
I am satisfied with my Yi WiFi Outdoor plug-in camera (under the roof eaves)
I have an unopened replacement and a proven to leak original Kami Wireless Outdoor in my drawer of broken dreams. $70 down the drain.
You are not alone. Similar issues for Amazon reviewers.