Kami Outdoor wireless + Solar Panel

Thanks again Steve. I will let you know how they work when I get them. Well…you already know they work. Lol. Have great holidays, Merry Christmas and God bless.

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Either way! Keep us posted :slight_smile: Have a GREAT holidays. Thank you for your kindness and patience.

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Which YI or Kami outdoor camera works with this particular solar panel?

It’s not listed by us just yet but will be shortly. Currently, our partner Cove is offering this to their customers.

Thanks for info * had same problem with "Helidallr Solar Panel for Security Camera Outdoor, IP66 Waterproof Solar Panel with 360° Adjustable Mounting, Solar Panels with 10ft Micro Charging Cable, Continuously Power for Home Security Cameras*

I returned these and ordered the ones you tested. Cameras are great.

Any recommendations for a wifi repeater. My signal to outside is weak.

Your company should consider picking a working solar panel and offering it for sale on your website.

Thats an excellent suggestion. I am going to talk to our QA and engineering team about this so we can offer a better solution.

I just read through this entire thread, and all I can say is wow! The dedication of your team to find a solution to this person’s problem is absolutely outstanding and commendable! This level of service has all but vanished in todays society. It did take quite a lengthy amount of time before the correct solution was found, I am very impressed with the commitment to resolve this issue. Kudos to the entire team that never gave up on finding the answer! I tip my hat to you and yours! Cheers

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Wow! That was incredible. Thank you so much for your feedback. It means a lot. We do our best and thanks to a stellar community, they make it easy. We really appreciate the kind words.

@ Steven_Kami. I just received the solar panel that you stated was tested with the Kami/Cove Outdoor Camera. (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09CYWCCCY).

It did not work and I am curious if there are different Kami Outdoor Cameras that you supply to Cove. The Cove Outdoor Camera that I currently have was purchased in August 2021.

Any ideas why this Solar Panel would not work with this camera?
I had actually purchased a different Solar Panel from Amazon that did not work for me either. After finding your post on this forum and ordering the tested solar panel and receiving it, it was the same solar panel just labeled as a different company.


@Steven_Kami Is there any update on this? I just bought the solar panels you listed and when I plug them in to the camera, it disconnects from the WiFi. Is there a setting or something that I’m missing?

Yes, that is the big problem – battery life. I handled the problem for my 3 Cove Kami cameras the following way (undoubtedly voiding any warranties). I cut a hole the size of the mini-USB charging connector into the side of the outside shell, then connected to a USB charger for each camera. The USB chargers are soldered into the security lights adjacent to my cameras.

My first try worked great, until a heavy rain. I had sealed around the cable hole with electricians tape. After ruining a camera with that fiasco, I used “marine-grade” silicone. I have had no problems with charging since then. The chargers come on when I turn on the security lights at night.
