Kami baby won't work anymore

My Kami baby won’t start. The orange light is on, reset does nothing. Can I get a manual firmware for microSD to check if that’s the problem? Or any other suggestions?

Hello @profie, sorry to hear about the camera problem you’ve encountered. Please try to use a different power cable and adapter then try to press the reset button.
Please refer to the photo to locate the reset button of the Kami baby camera.

I did… I used a stronger power adapter, other cables, nothing works. When trying to connect to a WiFi, it reboots suddenly and says waiting to connect again after reboot. Tried it 100 times

Same problem here… What kind of product are you selling?

I tried with different cables, AC adaptors, rest button… Nothing works

Hey, it still does not work for me also. I’ve gave up because I needed it for my baby of course and bought another camera.

When I have to send a video to YI to show it doesn’t work I sense disbelieve of my issue… maybe with your post they will believe us and notice the issue and send a new one.


I have the same problem. Whats wrong with this type of camera??? Will u send us new kami or what?

Hello. Sorry to hear you are having issues with your device. Could you help us by clearly describing your issue please.

Also …

Did the device ever work ok? If so did you notice anything why it’s stopped working now?

Any environmental changes? Have you moved the camera? New router? New isp? Your isp changed anything? Any network contention in your area? Are you using any data hungry devices such as streaming VOD?

Have you tried any troubleshooting advice? If so what.


Please contact our support at www.kamihome.com/contact for any warranty camera replacement needs. Our team is standing by :slight_smile:
