How to identify an Yi security camera model

I have two Yi Outdoor security cameras. One is old, one is new. I want to buy another new one, But I don’t know the model numbers. How can I find out the model numbers? They are placed very high, so I can’t easily reach them. I do use the Yi Home app, if that helps. Any advice will be appreciated.

Hey @AJDon82 We can do a little digging based on the cameras ID number.

Go to settings for each camera in your app. Under settings is a tab labeled “Camera Name”. Send us both numbers and we will be able to identify which was purchased when.

Hi @Steven_Kami,

Thanks for getting back to me. The old camera (that I want to replace) is #4CCNY5PWGWH0LW180408

The newer one, that I want the same as (or newer model) is #9FCNY30Z56K1BI191104

Thanks in advance for your assistance with this!


