How to download YI life in US region

Yi has came up with ridiculous theory of not having access to my cameras.

I travel for work and I need to monitor my kids.

I am now in the US and I am not able to sign into YI home which I have configured all the cameras across two house that I have, one in the US and other one in Asia region.

How can I get the YI Life app and download from the app store?

This is very in convenient change that they have made.

I additionally bought 4 more extra camera and these will be waste of money.

I have tried to explain my situation to the customer service team and they are keep asking me to download the YI life app from the store. I am having bit of hard time to explain that I am traveling to different continents away from Asia.

Please someone help, thank you.

Hey there @Syed_Syed Thanks for coming to the forum for more information. That sounds really frustrating. I have a couple quick questions to help us point you in the right direction.

Are you using Android or iOS? You can download the Yi Life app directly form the Google Play store if you are android.

What region do you log in to when you are home? And, what region do you login into when you are in the US? When in the US, try changing your region to your home region and login.
