HomeKit integration for all cameras

They will NEVER integrate with HomeKit because they are only interested in MONTHLY INCOME. If they allow HK integration, no one would pay for their garbage cloud service, and even worse “customer” service! Also, they more than likely steal our data and can see all of our footage and do whatever they want with it. After all, this is a Chinese company! I’m currently shopping for alternatives to YI as their company has the absolute worst, I mean the WORST support department. ON TOP OF THE FACT I NOW KNOW (THE HARD WAY!) THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH OUR DATA AND FOOTAGE.

Damm bro relax … But i agree that an homekit support will be very helpfull. And not just for us, it will bring more people on your services. Nobody does camera at that low price ! So with Homekit integration ppl while cry of pleasure with your offer

You can use yi-hack for add Yi Cameras to Home-Kit

They are filing for bankruptcy… No one even answers when you call them anymore…

So yeah, expensive home kit support for a piece of plastic is not likely ever

Home Kit would have probably worked with Home Assistant too…
