Cool down period during motion

A couple weeks ago I happen to catch someone climbing the balcony in the middle of the night to reach the 3rd floor. I went back to check out the beginning and it actually stopped recording. It picked it up again a few moments later, but that time was crucial. It was one of the clearest moments that his face was shown. But it wasn’t able to be seen due to the cool down period that we do Not have.

A couple days later our 2 dogs were playing on the room with the camera and it didn’t record them running around, it didn’t record an injury that caused one of them to yipe, it didnt record anything until 45 minutes after the fact when I was trying to explain to a roommate what happened. (A bite to my dogs testicles leaving really deep scratches on both of them) but what started the right housing? What made the other dog want to do that? Was it an accident or was it a “no means no” bite? We will never know cause the recording was in cool down – again.

What gives?? I have these guys safety and if I notice these things missing what else is there?!?

Hello @Justlovingbob That is super annoying. I hope your dog is okay! Just want to ask before I make my recommendation, are you a cloud subscriber?

And, what kind of camera do you have outdoor? Wired or battery powered?
