Cant login to any cameras - or even the app now? - 25th july 2023


I cant seem to connect to any of my cameras today? when I removed the app and resinstalled (both Yi and KAMI) I get an “invalid data format, pleae try again later” - are there some KAMI servers down or is this a me issue?


We are sorry that our app does not work on your device. Our team is aware of these issues and is actively working to fix. We will be releasing an update to resolve the issue. If there is anything we can do for you, just let us know at

So its interesting that I have 6 cameras all recording to DS cards. Yet when the YI servers are down I cant login into any of them? I get kicked out and then cant login to the app at all. Glad its working now…I was half expecting a subscription demand to turn it back on…

