All YI cameras are inaccessible since latest update

It seems that an update has forced a re-authentication however the authentication doesn’t happen, no email is sent. All cameras remain inaccessible.

Anyone else having this issue?

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We are sorry that our app does not work on your device. Our team is aware of these issues and is actively working to fix. We will be releasing an update to resolve the issue. If there is anything we can do for you, just let us know at

Thanks for the offer. Yes there is something you can do. Read the terms and conditions on the cameras you sell and stick to them. On the camera’s there is no mention of ads in the app, selling of private data to third parties. The terms state that cloud storage is optional yet you have gone against all this. I will now be returning dozens of cameras i recently purchased as you chose to break your own terms and conditions. Next your service is down for over a day which means your security cameras cannot be used for security.

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