Web based camera stream access

Can we have a web based application to access home cams. The issue, can not have phone while at work. Can not install software or programs on work computer. Solution, a web based access portal to the users cameras.

Hey Richard, we have have a PC app for Windows and Mac. You can download it here :+1:

Yep, I have the PC app on my personal computer. Problem is, this doesn’t help me when Im at work.
Can install software or apps on work computers… Web based app would solve the problem.

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I’m sorry Richard. I misread what you were trying to say. Yes a web app would be great. I will add that to my product wish-list spreadsheet for the product team. Thanks for the suggestion!

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It’s possible to request developer account or something similar to collaborate with the release of new things for the community?

Hey Nacho, that would be interesting! I’ll bring it up with the team.

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Also with this access more users could help in the resolve of some questions that the community have.

Let me know if this idea go ahead

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I too cannot install software on work machine. Would love Web access
